The 3 Keys of Availing Prayer


The 3 Keys of Availing Prayer
by Samuel Isenhower

"We only give God the opportunity to answer the prayers that we actually ask. Unasked prayers are unanswerable prayers. What a tragedy, then, if we only ever give our Heavenly Father the opportunity to answer self-absorbed, needy, low prayers. There’s so much more He would like to do! Yet, as it says in James, “You do not have because you do not ask.” So long as we never pray higher prayers, we will never see higher answers.

I remember being a student at Sam Houston State University and committing with a certain group of guys to extended fasting and prayer for our campus. We desperately wanted to see God move. During the months prior, I asked God constantly to help me meet people and build my small group, but these prayers were mostly focused on myself. They were self-absorbed. Then, when my friends approached me and asked if I would join them, I realized God was asking me to shift my focus, to lift my eyes off of myself and my life, and to pray for our whole group and our whole campus for His sake. As we prayed, we became filled with a burden for what God deserved on our campus. We were praying higher prayers! And the result was a great revival.

Maybe up to this point, your prayers have mostly been too small, too low, too self-focused. If so, then begin to pray for things because God deserves them and watch what happens!"

Above is a snippet taken from Sam's book titled "The 3 Keys of Availing Prayer".