What Difference Does It Make What I Think?


What Difference Does it Make What I Think? by Jessica Osterman

“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phillipians 4:8

Have you ever seen a car get stuck when driving into a muddy place? What happens if the driver continues to push on the gas? The wheels turn and turn and not only is the car not able to drive out of the mud it actually begins to sink deeper. Our thoughts or “thought life” can be much like those wheels. When we begin to think about things that are contrary to God’s truth, it's like driving our mind into the mud. As we continue to allow ungodly thoughts of things like envy, lust or pride our minds keep turning over and over exhausting ourselves until eventually we are so deep in the “mud” that it can seem like we will never get out.

So what’s the big deal? What difference does it make what I think? Doesn’t it just matter what I do? Well all of your DOING first starts with your THINKING. Scripture says that a person's thoughts are WHO they are (Proverbs 23:7). The Bible places significant importance on they way that we choose to think. In Matthew we see that angry thoughts are placed on the same plane as actual physical murder (Matthew 5:21:22). When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus said to love the Lord with all of your heart, soul and MIND. That means that we can bring honor to God and show Him that we love Him starting right there in our thoughts.

Thoughts are to the soul what bones are to the body. All of your actual bones added together make up your physical self. Likewise, all of your thoughts added together make up your spiritual self. If one of your bones, like your leg is broken it causes significant impairment for your entire body. If our thoughts are full of anger, jealousy, worry, complaints and so on they cause harm to our walk with God. Where do your thoughts take you when you are alone? The Bible says that God knows the thoughts of man (Psalm 94:11). Do your thoughts bring joy or grief to God?

You cannot do something without first thinking about it. So let’s start there. If we want our lives and actions to look like Jesus, we must fill our minds with Jesus. This takes a commitment to have a mind in love with God. If your mind is “stuck in the mud” like that car please know that there is hope! In 2 Corinthians 10:5, it says that we have the capability to take every thought captive.

We can control what thoughts we allow to take root. We are in charge of what thoughts stay and which ones we show the door. We have the power to determine what influences we allow in front of us that shape our minds into places that either bring joy to God or lead us to defeat. The Bible also provides us with a filter to help us know what is worth our thinking (Phillipians 4:8).


Thoughts are to the soul what bones are to the body. 


For a whole week, work to become aware of you where your mind travels. Use Phillipians 4:8 as your filter to take inventory of your thoughts.  If a thought doesn’t align with that filter then say out loud, “Captive!” as a way to physically train yourself to sift out the things in your mind that don’t honor God. It may sound silly, but you may be surprised at how often you need to take your thoughts captive. I promise you will begin to see spiritual progress in your  life as you shift your mind to be in love with God.